CA Final Direct Tax and International Taxation Download Study Material Provided by CA Kalpesh Sanghavi (Kalpesh Classes)
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Last Minute Revision Material For Nov 2019 CA Final, case laws summary, amendments, important questions, tips etc. (old and New Course)
Systems of taxation on personal income Countries that tax income generally use one of two systems: territorial or residence-based. In the territorial system, only local income – income from a source inside the country – is taxed. In the residence-based system, residents of the country are taxed on their worldwide (local and foreign) income, while nonresidents are taxed only on their local income. In addition, a very small number of countries, notably the United States, also tax their nonresident citizens on worldwide income. Countries with a residence-based system of taxation usually allow deductions or credits for the tax that residents already pay to other countries on their foreign income. Many countries also sign tax treaties with each other to eliminate or reduce double taxation. In the case of corporate income tax, some countries allow an exclusion or deferment of specific items of foreign income from the base of taxation.